Cooking in your wood fired Amigo Oven during the winter months

No more pizza till spring?!  It may be cold and wet outside, but don’t let that stop you from using your wood fired oven during the winter months. In fact, we encourage you to fire up your oven and cook a hearty dish for everyone to savour. Use seasonal ingredients and toppings which will be fresher therefore tastier too.

Ideally the Amigo oven would be kept under cover. We can build a bespoke purpose building to house your Amigo Oven and Barbecue and create an outdoor kitchen area.

The cold weather can affect the fire in your oven and as you would expect, it will take more time and wood to get the oven to its maximum temperature.

If you haven’t used your oven for a while, we suggest to fire her up gently, with the fire well spread across the base using very dry seasoned hardwood, preferably oak. Hardwoods such as  maple, ash, beech, and birch are fine too.  Oak is easy to find and it burns very hot compared to other woods. Hardwoods weigh much more as softwoods so they give off more heat.

Have a look at our great recipes on our website