Baked Black Bream

Black Bream is considered by many to be equal in taste and texture to its more popular cousin the Sea Bass but it carries a much lower price tag, usually coming in at less than half the price. It’s a firm, meaty fish with beautiful, shimmering silver skin and bright, white flesh. Stocks of Bream are very healthy so you can eat it with a clear conscience.

A medium sized bream weighing about 700g will serve two people. A wood fired oven at about 200°c will keep your fish deliciously moist as well as adding a hint of smokiness to the flesh.


  • 1 medium black bream, about 700g
  • A splash of dry white wine
  • 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled
  • Few sprigs fresh fennel or dill
  • 3 slices lemon
  • Drizzle of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
    • Outline Skewers Sketch


  1. Heat your Amigo Oven.
  2. Scale, clean and wash the bream.
  3. Put the rosemary and dill or fennel in the belly cavity along with the garlic and the lemon. Season well.
  4. Place in a roasting tin and add the splash of wine and drizzle with olive oil.
  5. Bake in hot oven for 15-20 minutes. Test by pressing down gently on the fish until you feel the flakes of flesh breaking apart under gentle pressure.
  6. Serve immediately