One Pot – Succulent Shoulder of Lamb

There is something very comforting about cooking with an open flame. Slow wood fired cooking adds a great depth of flavour you cannot achieve any other way. This recipe is a lovely simple one pan cook.

Fire up your Amigo Oven to full temperature, keeping door closed and shut the short smoke valve after approx. 20 minutes.

Make a rub using olive oil, garlic, rosemary, salt & pepper. Rub all over the lamb. A good quality joint requires very little.

Put stock in a deep roasting tin, throw in carrots, onions, carrots, peppers, courgettes any vegetables you have at hand really. Place the lamb shoulder on top of the veg and seal the tin very well with good quality foil.

Place the tin in your oven and shut the door and cook for approx. 3 hours. If you would like to cook roast potatoes, add these in a separate tray after approx. two hours of cooking.

When the lamb is ready around 3 hours, drain off some of the gorgeous liquid into a sauce pan, add 300 ml of Madeira or port and bring to a rolling simmer, reduce by half, add the butter and flour mix and whisk until incorporated and thickened, add another knob of butter for a rich and glossy finished texture.