Wood fired buttered corn on the cob

Corn on the cob is a quick and tasty accompaniment with most meals. They are great on barbecues but even better cooked in your wood fired Amigo Oven!

Cook them while cooking your pizza or any other dish adjusting the cooking time.

Mix the softened butter with chilli powder, oregano, onion powder, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Rub the corns with the butter mix and wrap the corn like a burrito with an oiled piece of aluminium foil and twist the ends to close.

Pop the wrapped corn on a tray, and place into your wood fired oven, on the opposite side to your fire for around 15 minutes. Then uncover the cobs and baste with the juices from the foil and place on the tray and return to the oven, turning regularly for a further 5-10 minutes to brown.

To serve, sprinkle over some fresh coriander and a knob of butter. Delicious!