What kind of wood should I use in my wood fired pizza oven?

We regularly get asked questions on all manner of topics, so here is one that we frequently receive and hope that you find it useful when buying your wood.

Q: What kind of wood should I use in my wood fired pizza oven?

 A: Primarily, well-seasoned dry hardwoods are best – if the logs are not seasoned or if they are wet, then 50% of the energy will not be converted to heat in your oven, it will be lost to drying out the wood during the burning process. 12 months to 24 months is the ideal seasoning period. Kiln dried wood is not required, although this guarantees a well dried log.

Do not use man made materials such as ply’s, MDF, chemically treated woods or any painted wood – these produce too much smoke and the chemicals will place toxins into the food.

 Logs to avoid are fern and some pines, the excessive resins that are produced again will taint your food with over powering flavours and create too much soot and smoke.

 Oak, Ash, Apple and any other hardwoods are the types of wood to use.